Making a difference

With a deep concern to alleviate poverty and unemployment in Namibia, we strive to make a positive contribution to our community through our empowerment structure and transformation initiatives. We invest responsibly, with the priority to protect and enhance the value of our clients’ investments. 

All-told, each year we invest up to 5% of our pre-tax profits in community-building initiatives, 25% of our firm is owned by Namibian trusts, and Namibians influence a large number of our decisions at the executive and on the board of directors. 


We strive to increase the number of Namibians who are highly qualified investment management professionals, both through exposure to demanding and rewarding work and by financing on-going studies.  Moreover, through the Allan Gray Employee Empowerment Share Scheme, high-performing staff collectively own up to 10% of our firm.  

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation Namibia

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation contributes to Namibia’s development on a long-term and broad-based basis by providing fully-financed bursaries for Namibians to attend university, by exposing those students to the opportunities and challenges of building their own businesses, and by financing attractive new businesses that are developed by Namibian graduates of the foundation.  The foundation owns 15% of Allan Gray Namibia and is entitled in perpetuity to up to 5% of Allan Gray Namibia’s pre-tax profits.

Harvard Fellowship

Allan Gray is committed to developing the next generation of African leaders. To that end, five full bursaries may be awarded each year to Africans from any country who are admitted to study an MBA at Harvard Business School.

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