Building long-term wealth for our clients

As the Allan Gray Group celebrates 50 years of long-term investing, we reflect on the firm’s journey and reaffirm our commitment to building our clients’ trust and confidence.
See our long-term investment track record

We pursue long-term returns without taking undue risks

What N$ 10,000 invested in 1974 would be worth today (30 September 2024):

Invested with Allan Gray (before fees) FTSE/JSE All Share Index (log scale) R 160 000 000 R 160 000 000 10 YEARS 1974 Today
Learn about our 50-year journey

50 years of investing with our clients’ best interests at heart

Chief investment officers and chief operating officers, past and present, reflect on five decades of long-term investing. 
Learn about our investment approach

Our approach to investing is simple

We look closely at businesses. We buy shares we think are undervalued and sell them when we think they have reached their worth, regardless of popular opinion.
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