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Insights categories - Markets and economy

Seeking a bridge for South Africa’s troubled waters

By Raine Adams on 01 Oct 2024

Reading time: 16 mins

As South Africans breathe a sigh of relief that load shedding has tailed off, water risks have come to the fore. Multiple provinces are grappling with...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Rate-cutting cycle kicks off

By Thalia Petousis on 25 Sep 2024

Reading time: 8 mins

During the last quarter, US equity indices reached new all-time highs as the US Federal Reserve (the Fed) commenced its rate-cutting cycle with a cut of 50...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

After four years, South Africa gets repo rate relief

By Thalia Petousis on 20 Sep 2024

Reading time: 3 mins

On 19 September, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) cut interest rates for the first time in four years – lowering the overnight rate of interest from 8.2...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

How the great election year has shaped financial markets

By Vuyo Mroxiso on 18 Sep 2024

Listening time: 50 mins

Global elections have been a dominant force this year, with sentiment around polling and election results driving volatility in many markets.

Insights categories - Personal investing

The three essentials of estate planning

By Felicia Hlophe on 13 Sep 2024

Reading time: 5 mins

Dying without having a valid will in place is a sure recipe for family conflict. Yet, according to statistics from the High Court, 85% of South Africans don'...

Insights categories - Retirement

Two-pot cheat sheet

By Daniella Bergman on 05 Sep 2024

Reading time: 5 mins

Given the overwhelming amount of information available about the new two-pot retirement system, below we provide a “cheat sheet”, which includes 10 “did you...

Insights categories - Retirement

The importance of an emergency fund in the two-pot era (updated)

By Tebogo Marite on 02 Sep 2024

Reading time: 8 mins

For a long time, the retirement savings industry has observed how many South Africans have struggled to balance accumulating and preserving their long-term...

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