All investment options

We offer a focused range of investment accounts and unit trusts that are suitable for different financial goals, from saving for longer-term needs, to meeting your shorter-term objectives.

Just like banks have cheque, savings and credit card accounts, there are different types of investment accounts. Your account determines the rules of your investment, including tax benefits, contribution limits and access to your money. Different types of accounts are suitable for different investment needs. An account on its own does not generate the growth on your investment – that comes from the underlying unit trust(s) that you select. If you are new to investing, click here to get help choosing an investment account that’s suitable for you.

General unit trust accounts

Local investment platform

Access unit trusts from Allan Gray and other investment managers to diversify your portfolio.

Key benefit

Access to a range of unit trusts offered by other investment managers but get one point of contact, consolidated reporting and one online account.

Key restriction

Transactions, for example switches and withdrawals, take a few days longer to process than for our basic investment account.

Investment growth

This depends on the underlying unit trust(s) that you choose.

Offshore investment platform

Invest in foreign currency in a long-term investment account that gives you the option to spread your investment risk across different geographies and sectors.

Key benefit

Your investment is in foreign currency and you get access to industries and companies that may not be available locally.

Key restriction

You will need to obtain tax clearance from SARS for amounts greater than R1 million in any year.

Investment growth

This depends on the underlying unit trust(s) that you choose.

Retirement accounts

Preservation fund

If you already have retirement savings elsewhere in a pension, provident or preservation fund, you can transfer these savings to Allan Gray to preserve and grow your money until you retire.

Key benefit

Returns are tax-free and the tax benefit(s) of your original fund are preserved.

Key restriction

You cannot continue contributing to a preservation fund.

Investment growth

This depends on the underlying unit trust(s) that you choose.

Living annuity

After you have retired, you can use a living annuity to draw an income from your accumulated retirement savings, sometimes known as a pension.

Key benefit

Manage your income throughout your retirement, and any money left over can be paid to your beneficiaries.

Key restriction

You cannot withdraw your full investment in one go, unless the value of your investment is less than R125 000.

Investment growth

This depends on the underlying unit trust(s) that you choose.

Other accounts

Tax-free investment

Long-term investment account suitable for your longer-term investment goals, given that all returns are tax-free.

Key benefit

Returns are tax-free, benefiting those who are already paying income or capital gains tax.

Key restriction

You can invest a maximum of R36 000 per tax year and R500 000 over your lifetime, with a penalty of 40% for any amount you invest above the maximum.

Investment growth

This depends on the underlying unit trust(s) that you choose.

Local endowment

Specialist long-term savings account that can be used for estate planning purposes.

Key benefit

If your marginal income tax rate is higher than 30%, you can benefit from tax savings.

Key restriction

During the first five years of your investment, known as the restriction period, you may only make one withdrawal.

Investment growth

This depends on the underlying unit trust(s) that you choose.

Offshore endowment

Tax-efficient long-term foreign currency savings account that gives you the option to spread your investment risk across different geographies and sectors.

Key benefit

Tax efficiency if your marginal income tax rate is higher than 30%, and significant estate-planning benefits if you appoint beneficiaries.

Key restriction

Contributions are subject to the 120% rule.

Investment growth

This depends on the underlying unit trust(s) that you choose.

Group savings solutions for employers

Umbrella retirement fund

A simple, transparent, flexible and cost-effective retirement fund for your employees.

Key benefit

Simplified admin, personalised service, no governance responsibilities and value for money.

Key restriction

A curated, smaller range of investment portfolios available.

Investment growth

This depends on the underlying investment portfolio(s) that you choose.

Group retirement annuity

Allows employers to make a retirement savings solution available to their staff based on individual membership.

Key benefit

Fund managed on a group basis, while your employees get all the benefits of having their own retirement annuity.

Key restriction

Employees can only access a portion of their investment once per tax year before retirement, with some specific exceptions.

Investment growth

This depends on the underlying unit trust(s) that you choose.

A unit trust is the underlying investment in your account, and the growth on your investment comes from the unit trust(s) you choose. A unit trust is a type of investment that provides you with easy and affordable access to financial markets. There are different types of unit trusts that are suitable for different goals and timeframes. If you are new to investing, click here to get help choosing a unit trust that's suitable for you.

Our core unit trusts

Higher risk & return
Stability & lower risk

Allan Gray
Equity Fund

Higher growth, many ups and downs

Invests in listed shares and aims to achieve long-term capital growth.

  • clock

    At least 5 years, ideally longer

  • chart Since inception 19.1% per year
  • scale

    Best performance year 125.8%

    Worst performance year -24.3%

  • globe

    Current offshore exposure 42.4%

Allan Gray
Stable Fund

Lower growth, fewer ups and downs

Invests in a mixed selection of assets to preserve capital over any two-year period.

  • clock

    At least 2 years

  • chart Since inception 11.2% per year
  • scale

    Best performance year 23.3%

    Worst performance year -7.4%

  • globe

    Current offshore exposure 31.1%

Allan Gray
Interest Fund

Low growth, very few ups and downs

Invests in a mix of South African interest-bearing securities to offer capital stability and higher returns than bank deposits and traditional money market funds.

  • clock

    6 months to 1 year

  • globe

    No offshore exposure

Our rand-denominated offshore unit trusts

We offer three rand-denominated offshore unit trusts that are managed by our offshore investment partner, Orbis Investment Management Limited. You invest and transact using rands, and benefit from 100% exposure to offshore assets.

Allan Gray - Orbis Global Equity Feeder Fund

Invests in stock markets around the world to achieve long-term capital growth.

  • clock

    More than 5 years

  • chart Since inception 14.3% per year
  • scale

    Best performance year 78.2%

    Worst performance year -29.7%

  • globe

    100% offshore

Allan Gray - Orbis Global Balanced Feeder Fund

Invests in a mixed selection of assets around the world to achieve long-term growth.

  • clock

    More than 5 years

  • chart Since inception 11.2% per year
  • scale

    Best performance year 55.6%

    Worst performance year -13.7%

  • globe

    100% offshore

Allan Gray - Orbis Global Optimal Fund of Funds

Seeks long-term positive returns higher than foreign currency bank deposits in a low risk global portfolio.

  • clock

    At least 2 years

  • chart Since inception 7.5% per year
  • scale

    Best performance year 39.6%

    Worst performance year -12.4%

  • globe

    100% offshore

Our specialist unit trusts

Our three specialist unit trusts allow more experienced investors to diversify their investment portfolios and risk by investing in selected shares or interest-bearing securities.

Allan Gray
SA Equity Fund

Invests in shares on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) to outperform the South African equity market over the long term, without taking on greater risk.

  • clock

    More than 5 years

  • chart Since inception 7.6% per year
  • scale

    Best performance year 57.3%

    Worst performance year -32.0%

  • globe

    No offshore exposure

Allan Gray
Optimal Fund

Invests in selected shares to deliver positive long-term returns higher than those available in the money market sector, irrespective of stock market conditions.

  • clock

    At least 3 years

  • chart Since inception 6.7% per year
  • scale

    Best performance year 18.1%

    Worst performance year -8.2%

  • globe

    No offshore exposure

Allan Gray
Bond Fund

Invests in South African interest-bearing securities to deliver returns that exceed inflation and cash returns over the long term, without taking on undue risk.

  • clock

    At least 3 years

  • chart Since inception 9.1% per year
  • scale

    Best performance year 22.0%

    Worst performance year -2.6%

  • globe

    No offshore exposure

Allan Gray
Income Fund

Invests in a mix of South African interest-bearing securities, with limited exposure to offshore interest-bearing securities, to deliver returns that are superior to traditional money market funds.

  • clock

    Approximately 1-2 years

  • globe

    Current offshore exposure 0%

Allan Gray
Money Market Fund

Low growth, very few ups and downs

Invests in cash to offer stability with higher returns than bank deposits.

  • clock

    Up to 6 months

  • chart Since inception 7.7% per year
  • scale

    Best performance year 12.8%

    Worst performance year 4.3%

  • globe

    No offshore exposure

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