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Articles tagged as "Risk"

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Seeking a bridge for South Africa’s troubled waters

By Raine Adams on 01 Oct 2024

Reading time: 16 mins

As South Africans breathe a sigh of relief that load shedding has tailed off, water risks have come to the fore. Multiple provinces are grappling with...

Insights categories - Local investing

Balancing risk and reward in South African equities

By Duncan Artus on 15 Aug 2024

Reading time: 7 mins

We often write about large individual equity positions in our portfolios, but this quarter, Duncan Artus focuses on the opportunities and risks in “SA Inc” –...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Beyond our borders: A case for investing offshore

By Horacia Naidoo-McCarthy on 02 May 2024

Reading time: 13 mins

Investing offshore should always form part of your long-term diversification strategy. South Africa comprises about 0.3% of the world’s market capitalisation...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Is South Africa winning the inflation battle?

By Thandi Skade on 26 Sep 2023

Reading time: 4 mins

Following the South African Reserve Bank’s (SARB) aggressive near-two-year interest rate hiking cycle, headline inflation in South Africa seems to be getting...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Three golden rules for achieving long-term, real investment returns

By Earl Van Zyl on 07 Aug 2023

Reading time: 7 mins

Whether you are accumulating capital for retirement, school or university expenses for your children or simply trying to ensure that you have money saved for...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How to overcome the fear of losing money

By Lydia Fourie on 07 Dec 2022

Reading time: 5 mins

Research shows that our brains are hardwired to avoid loss. This behavioural bias can often drive us to make irrational decisions, especially when it comes t...

Insights categories - Local investing

How to invest in a changing world

By Duncan Artus on 23 Nov 2022

Reading time: 6 mins

At Allan Gray we are bottom-up investors, but we want to be on the right side of long-term trends, particularly at secular turning points. Duncan Artus...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Investing – risky business?

By Lydia Fourie on 27 Oct 2022

Reading time: 11 mins

Understanding your investments, and the risks you may face when investing, can go a long way towards helping you successfully navigate trying times. Lydia...

Insights categories - Local investing

How to invest in an inflationary, energy-short and increasingly divided world

By Duncan Artus on 06 Oct 2022

Reading time: 6 mins

At Allan Gray, we are bottom-up investors, but we want to be on the right side of long-term trends, particularly at secular turning points. One way is to...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Orbis Global Equity: The duration dislocation

By Graeme Forster on 28 Jul 2022

Reading time: 11 mins

In investing, risk and opportunity are two sides of the same coin. Graeme Forster from our offshore partner, Orbis, unpacks current distortions in the market...

Insights categories - Investment insights

How do you cater for extreme events when constructing resilient multi-asset portfolios?

By Gladness Rupare and Martine Damonse on 28 Jul 2022

Reading time: 11 mins

Gladness Rupare and Martine Damonse, who hosted panels with members of the Allan Gray and Orbis Investment teams, capture some of key questions and insights,...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Orbis investment update: Risks in the real world

By Alec Cutler and Rob Perrone on 03 Jun 2022

Viewing time: 27 min

Alec Cutler and Rob Perrone, from our offshore partner, Orbis, discuss the real risks the world is facing and the attractive investment opportunities Orbis h...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Navigating the impact of world events on your investments

By Nomi Bodlani on 18 May 2022

Reading time: 6 mins

In just two years, major world events have run a terrifying course, from a health pandemic and ensuing market and social distress to a geopolitical threat...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Orbis Global Balanced: Russia-Ukraine conflict accelerates market shifts

By Alec Cutler on 26 Apr 2022

Reading time: 13 mins

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a painful reminder that there is more to life than markets, and our concern goes out to the people suffering. As investors, o...

Insights category - companies

Banking on green shoots at Nedbank

By Siphesihle Zwane on 26 Apr 2022

Reading time: 7 mins

Siphesihle Zwane discusses the green shoots emerging at Nedbank and explains why they may reward investors who have enough conviction to stay the course.

Insights categories - Local investing

Active management: Potential for a comeback in a divided inflationary world

By Duncan Artus on 23 Sep 2021

Viewing time: 7 mins

For most of the 2000s, the developed world has been characterised by disinflation and falling interest rates. This is despite a large increase in leverage, t...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Markets change quickly, investments shouldn’t

By John Christy on 03 Sep 2021

Reading time: 5 mins

We often say that we play the hand we are dealt by the market. We can control our research efforts and our decisions, but we certainly can’t control the...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Why should you consider a global balanced fund?

By Ashley Lynn on 14 Jun 2021

Reading time: 1 min

Balanced funds aim for the investment “sweet spot”: Minimising risk while still delivering return. If you are looking to achieve a decent return investing...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Orbis: The great imbalance

By Ashley Lynn on 13 Apr 2021

Viewing time: 1 min

At its heart investing is a balancing act. Balancing how much you stand to gain if things go well, with how much you could lose if things don't work out. Now...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Your questions answered

By Mthobisi Mthimkhulu on 26 Jan 2021

Viewing time: 58 mins

As you embark on your investing journey, you’re likely to have a number of unanswered questions. In the final instalment of our 6-part Personal investing 101...

Insights categories - Developing you advice business

Part 1: Understanding your options for succession

By Daniel van Andel on 04 Nov 2020

Reading time: 8 mins

Global and local trends reveal that very few financial advisers have a clear plan as it relates to continuity and retirement from the industry. In the absenc...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Has your risk perception changed as a result of the market crisis?

By Marise Bester on 16 Oct 2020

Reading time: 9 mins

Historically, deep economic shocks have prompted significant changes in investment and saving behaviour. During times of uncertainty, investors scramble to...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Is your trust in your investment manager well placed?

By Nomi Bodlani and Tamryn Lamb on 16 Oct 2020

Reading time: 12 mins

It has been a volatile six months in the markets, following a five-year period of disappointing equity returns. At times like these, it is understandable for...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Q&A with Allan Gray and Orbis: Investing beyond COVID-19

By Tamryn Lamb on 26 May 2020

Reading time: 1 min

While financial market volatility as a result of COVID-19 is expected to continue over the short term, the investment teams at Allan Gray and Orbis are focus...

Insights categories - Local investing

Perspectives and portfolio positioning amid COVID-19

By Andrew Lapping on 08 May 2020

Reading time: 6 mins

The world as we know it has changed dramatically over the last two months, with the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown strategies causing extreme volatility on t...

Insights categories - Local investing

Two decades for the Allan Gray Balanced Fund

By Duncan Artus on 07 Nov 2019

Reading time: 7 mins

The Allan Gray Balanced Fund celebrated its 20-year anniversary on 1 October 2019. The local industry looks vastly different today to how it looked two decad...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Mindful of risk

By Nadia van der Merwe on 28 Oct 2019

Reading time: 9 mins

Uncertain times may cause investors to shy away from risk. While it is important to be mindful of risk and understand the risks you are taking on when...

Insights categories - Personal investing

The benefits of independent financial advice

By Tamryn Lamb on 20 Sep 2019

Viewing time: 5 mins 19 seconds

Many investors underplay the importance of financial advice to the detriment of the performance of their portfolios over time. A good financial adviser can...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Managing risk through our investment process

By Nathan Wridgway on 10 Jul 2019

Reading time: 3 mins

Our primary objective is to build long-term wealth for our clients. To do this, we balance investment performance with the risk incurred in generating this...

Insights categories - Local investing

Is a money market fund right for you right now?

By Earl Van Zyl on 05 Apr 2019

Reading time: 5 mins

Money market unit trusts have become popular as they appear to provide a safe, secure and reliable haven for your investments. During times with extreme...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Orbis: How to balance risk and return in the current environment

By Alec Cutler on 30 Jun 2018

Reading time: 10 mins

As we look at opportunities around the world, one thing seems clear – it is no time to be a hero. According to Alec Cutler, from our offshore partner, Orbis,...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Cloudy crystal ball

By Alec Cutler on 18 Jun 2018

Reading time: 6 mins

Two years ago, our crystal ball was cloudy. Shares and commodity prices suffered a rout in early 2016, and markets were concerned that economies around the...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Allan Gray-Orbis Global Fund of Funds update: Balancing risk and return

By Alec Cutler and Ashley Lynn on 22 May 2018

Reading time: 4 mins

A large portion of the Allan Gray Orbis Global Fund of Funds (the Fund) is invested in the Orbis Global Balanced Fund. But what is a “balanced fund”? The...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Thinking about your view of risk

By Rob Formby on 19 Apr 2018

Reading time: 7 mins

Our primary concern as an investment manager is creating wealth for clients. To do this, we need to balance investment performance for clients with the risk...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How much risk can you take?

By Leonard Krüger on 30 Jun 2017

Viewing time: 1 min

Risks are elevated in the current environment. This means you should think about how much risk you are prepared to take on...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Why the classic 60/40 is dangerous

By Matthew Spencer on 19 Jun 2017

Viewing time: 1 min

Sixty percent equities and forty percent bonds has become such a standard for “moderate risk” that any other allocation raises eyebrows...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Pursuing long-term returns without simply reaching for risk

By Ben Preston and Maurits Ovaa on 30 Sep 2016

Reading time: 7 mins

Ben Preston and Maurits Ovaa explain why Orbis believes minimising losses is arguably more important than maximising gains at a time when many stock markets ...

Insights categories - Personal investing

The theory of risk and return

By Wanita Isaacs on 31 Dec 2014

Reading time: 4 mins

Wanita Isaacs offers some insights into how you can think about risk in your investment process. Efficient market theory holds that there is a direct...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Do not confuse stability with safety

By Ben Preston on 30 Jun 2013

Reading time: 8 mins

According to Ben Preston, from our offshore partner Orbis, Orbis and Allan Gray's strict adherence to our bottom-up research process keeps us focused on...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Japan: economic pessimism creates buying opportunities

By Trevor Black and Ben Preston on 30 Jun 2011

Reading time: 8 mins

As bottom-up stock pickers, we believe that great investment opportunities can be found in even the most challenging conditions. Japan is a perfect example....

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Tough to be different

By Jonathan Brodie and Trevor Black on 31 Dec 2009

Reading time: 8 mins

In the Q2 Quarterly Commentary, Jonathan Brodie and Trevor Black of Orbis discussed the fact that long-term outperformance requires a partnership between the...


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